Hi, I’m Fiona

Asian woman with blonde and brown split-colored hair sitting on a chair holding out her hand, which is covered in gold.

In 2018, I generated my own Human Design chart.

Holy shapes, colors, and numbers! Researching my type, strategy, and authority was easy, but I wanted that other stuff.

I was ravenous.

I couldn’t keep quiet (which I’d later learn is part of my design). I ran charts for anyone willing to share their birth info with me.

Since I grew up in the age of AOL tying up the phone line and information was hidden in obscure websites, I’m no stranger to the painful process of figuring out what I’m looking for.

That’s how I began reading charts.

Today, I’ve compiled my five years of research and notes from paying clients into my chart generator.

Click the button below to use it. I also have an extended PDF, so if all those shapes, colors, and numbers interest you, you can get them all in a 40+ page PDF for $15.


“Working with Fiona made me realize that I was doing things that made me unhappy subconsciously. It really transformed the way how I see things in my life.”

-Rose Guthrie, Systems Expert; roseguthrie.com

Asian woman with brown and blonde split colored hair wearing a black and white split dress shirt sitting on a chair. She is wearing a black hat.

As a child of immigrants, I spent my childhood as a translator for my family.

Translations needed to be simple, relatable, and sticky.

I do this through analogies to real life examples and snipped from tv shows and movies.

To check them out, follow me on Instagram or subscribe to my newsletter below.


“Unbelievable. Spot on. Sheer potency. Fiona can effortlessly pull out a simple-to-get narrative out of contrasting parts of my Human Design chart. I’m uplifted by the depth and truth.”

-Manshi Low

Blonde woman wearing a black turtleneck and red lipstick smiling.

“Fiona shed light on aspects of my gifts and personality that I didn’t know was “by design.” The way she translated it to practical everyday life and business was mind-blowing.”

-Sarah Ashman, Creative Director; Public-Persona.com

Asian woman feeding capybara

A few fun facts:

  1. I’m from NYC (born and raised) but I currently live in North Carolina.

  2. I’m a 3/5 self-projected Projector and a mother to two wild Manifesting Generators.

  3. I love my air fryer.

  4. I’m of Malaysian-Chinese descent.

  5. My favorite place in the world is Okinawa, Japan.

I make the best Human Design memes on the internet 👇🏼